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They are drawn to Occidental’s emphasis on environmental stewardship and look forward to conducting research in the Moore Lab of Zoology. They are also excited about the easy access to the Pacific Ocean LA provides, and hope to expand their skillset even further through organizations like the ...
the ‘availability heuristic’, when people relate the size, frequency or probability of a problem to how easy it is to remember or imagine; the ‘representativeness heuristic’, when people overestimate the probability of vivid events; ‘prospect theory’, when ‘losses tend to pain us more tha...
Be sure that your essay is clearly focused on one of Pitzer’s values. Though it might be tempting to try to fit in other values, stay focused. It’s fine to hint at other values—for instance, Example 1 above clearly has links to “environmental sustainability” as well as “social ...
Chapter 1 1.1EarthScience & theEarthSystem -Earthscience is the study ofEarthand the processes that shape it -Theearthsystem is composed of four principal components: atmosphere (air‚ weather)‚ hydrosphere (water‚ ice)‚ biosphere (plants‚ animals)‚ and geosphere (land‚ rocks)....
To answer this question and to quantify potential environmental co-benefits and trade-offs, this paper introduces carculator, a Python library to conduct environmental life cycle assessments of current and future passenger vehicles. Because carculator is open-source and equipped with an easy-to-use...
Gemini is fairly easy to spot in thenight skyas it is located northeast of theconstellation Orion, between theTaurusand Cancer constellations. The twobrightest starsin the constellation, Castor and Pollux, represent the heads of the Gemini twins. ...
The best surprise was how closely I worked with senior-level people. It's easy to view yourself as "just an intern" but I was always pleasantly surprised by how integrated you can be as an intern. Do you have any advice for interns?
As I started to look at the data and read about climate science, I was surprised, then shocked. As I learned more, I changed my mind. I now think there probably is no climate crisis and that the focus on CO2 takes funding and attention from critical environmental ...
No such hurdles confronted Innergex Renewable Energy’s $400m, 250MW Phoebe project in Winkler county, Texas, says Michel Letellier, chief executive. The desert soil was easy to lease and to drive piles into. “Texas is a nice place for business,” Mr Letellier adds. “Maybe it’s becau...