which does not truly cause hurt. If someone tells me the “Truth” in love, I should see a person who cares for me enough to hurt me briefly so that they help me, rather than an uncaring person who failed to
Heck, sure Jesus “was born & lived as a Jew”, but he was also sent to his death by the “synogogue of Satan”, you fake Khazar Jews still consider yourselves as superior to all….meanwhile you murder TRUE Semites daily in Palestine (conscious to the fact they ARE true semites)…...
In him was life and the life was the light of men.” The Gospel of Jesus Christ According to John 1:1-4 NO Need for broadband. You can contact HIM direct by raising the eye of your heart to HIM. E.T.s PHONE HOME. loveandtruth April 30, 2008 @ 2:44 pm “This is nothing ...