Applicants should also know that college waitlists are important tools for schools to use in admissions and not necessarily a reflection of the prospective student's application. Being put on the waitlist means a student is a competitive candidate, but colleges are tryin...
Before making your stand to be admitted off the waitlist, pause for a moment and consider how much you actually want to attend this college. You should really only ask to remain on the waitlist if you are certain you will attend upon acceptance. If your acceptances from other...
founder and president of college admissions counseling service Best College Fit, wrote in an email. “As colleges assemble their entering classes, the percentage of accepted students who will enroll becomes important to their calculations." Admissions officers may put good candidates on the waitlist s...
Does this class make sense with my schedule? While academics are the most important thing about attending college, you may likely have other obligations outside of school, like work, hobbies, clubs, and friends. Will taking this class interrupt your ability to do other things? Think about this...
If you are waitlisted at Dartmouth, it means you are a good fit for the college but there is not enough room in the class. You can choose to accept or decline your spot on the waitlist — however, waitlist admission rates tend to be very low at highly selective schools like Dartmouth...
Because they must know if you will be filling the spot; otherwise, it can be offered to another student on the waitlist. Universities usually send out more acceptance letters than the number of positions, it’s not always sure that this will happen, but it’s a respectful gesture toward ...
If you can’t get into a class, you want when you go to register, and there’s a waitlist option, get on the waitlist, as a lot can change between when you register and the first few weeks of classes. Students may drop classes or transfer to another college, and a spot can open...
The admissions officers who process applications for a given application cycle at a particular school are often referred to as the admissions committee. Collectively, they decide whether to accept, reject, or waitlist students for admission to the school in question, or to accept, reject, or ...
College admissions advisor Christopher Rim offers tips for getting off a school's waitlist.Courtesy of Christopher Rim Q: What should I say in a letter of continued interest? A: Don't summarize everything you already told them in your initial application, or list every award or accomplishment...
How does a charter school waitlist work? How do charter schools compare to public schools? How are charter schools regulated? How does bilingual education work? How does the British education system work? How does the Swiss education system work?