Exposition: A man got enlisted in the Vietnam War and had to leave his farm. Because his town was unlisted, he never learned how to get back home. He’s had loves and losses, and wondered from city to city, but still feels that something is missing. Rising Action: Now he’s an ol...
Ayyash is responsible for the death of more than 70 Israelis, yet Ayyash’s Wiki page humanises him. Readers are not told how many people he killed but are informed he was “well educated, ambitious, and soft-spoken”. The page even indirectly blames Israel for his activity by claiming th...
Well, they wanted to end Winter finals, too, but,baby, it’s cold outsidewhen Winter finals roll around. What fun is it to protest outside in the cold? So, the hippies conveniently decided that the Vietnam War – or at least the draft – needed ending mainly in the spring, not the...
the nonprofit organization focused on electing Second Amendment–friendly congressional representatives (Bruce and Wilcox,1998), as well as the official end of the war in Vietnam. I begin with 1975 to show that the transformation of discourse...
The USA was at a low ebb, having been kicked out of South Vietnam in 1975. It needed Britain and the USA moving in the same direction under Thatcher and Reagan to change the direction of world politics. Except that the Western version of 1960s radicalism hadn’t failed. The revived ...
Without body counts and flag-draped coffins to focus attention, remote warfare can operate under far less scrutiny than America's wars in Vietnam or Iraq. This remoteness is possible because drone warfare is also highly technical. The drone strike in Kabul occurred because of the algorithmic ...
316 2004 MOV The Last Ride #were heroes, all those kids protesting Vietnam. How many jobs they pull? Three. All military payrolls. Ronnie and Kate were317 2012 FIC Bk:SisterhoodDune #used only with him, she mused, " How many more fleets like this do you think we'll find, Manford?
As of October of 2005, the disease is endemic in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam [Source: CDC]. Visitors to any of these areas should avoid contact with wild or domestic birds and should stay away from poultry farms and open-air markets that sell live poultry. Infecting ...
SK: With economic growth rates topping 10 percent annually, clearly China is a flashpoint, but many other Asian countries offer growth and opportunity. India’s economy is booming. Many companies are looking beyond China to Southeast Asia and, in particular, to Vietnam, a new WTO inductee, fo...
What’s the premise?A young woman joins the Vietnam War effort as a nurse, but finds the reality of war is far more shocking than she imagined. Who’s the audience?With a female protagonist and a historical angle, this book should appeal to female readers (of all ages) and male and ...