Now, I’m not saying the medication does not help. It most certainly does for many people. However, there is much more to mental illness. Not only that, but the chemical imbalance can also be a result of trauma. There is much more needed to heal trauma than just a pill. In my ...
Maltreatment, whether through war or child abuse, can transform how a person responds to adversity later, and leave them at higher risk to physical illness, although not everyone reacts the same way. Scientists are trying to figure out the complex biology that connects childhood trauma with ill ...
How does head trauma cause dementia? What happens to the brain when there is trauma? How does having stress affect the immune system? How does the brain handle long-term stress? Describe the recovery process from a stroke. What education can we provide about the damage of ...
When a child is very young, it is highly likely for him or her to experience trauma from any form of sensitive situation. Divorce between parents can be one of the reasons. It is highly advisable for parents to not argue or avoid having negative conversations about each other in the presen...
Who first studied childhood trauma? The relationship between trauma and mental illness was first investigated bythe neurologist Jean Martin Charcot, a French physician who was working with traumatized women in the Salpetriere hospital. During the late 19th century, a major focus of Charcot's study ...
MENTAL illnessOBESITYDISEASE prevalenceEMOTIONAL traumaEXERCISEAfrican Americans have a higher prevalence of obesity and obesity-related diseases than other racial/ethnic groups; among persons with serious mental illness (SMI), African Americans fare worse as well. This qualitative study focuse...
Essentially, spiritual bypass means that whatever is really difficult about being human, whether it's the fact that you have childhood trauma or the fact that the world is politically complicated and often really harsh, or that there are economic injustices that you see all around you that you...
It's also important to note that trauma and violence can lead tochronically elevated levelsof the stress hormone cortisol, causing significant mental ill health at any time in a woman's life. High cortisol levels have huge impacts on many brain regions, resulting in rage, suicidal thoughts, obe...
The mind is also subject to the severe alterations of emotional trauma, brain injury and disease, all capable of drastically changing the outcome of the neurological equation. Our tools for addressing brain conditions have ranged from the sublime to the barbaric. We've treated mental illness on ...
Canker sores, smoking, and trauma may cause soreness of the tongue. Mouth Problems: TMJ, Canker Sores, Painful Gums and More Sores, painful gums, bad breath -- what's going on in your mouth? Find out with our slideshow of the most common mouth problems. Learn about canker sores, cold ...