What is TLC?Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a commonly used analytical technique that allows for rapid and inexpensive analysis of various mixtures. For organic chemists, TLC is most commonly thought of as being done on silica plates. In reality, many more sorbents in TLC format are ...
Describe how linear accelerators work. How is the basic principle of separation processes used in everyday life? How can TLC (thin-layer chromatography) and column chromatography be used together to ensure a perfect separation of two compounds?
Why does chromatography work? How does increasing the polarity of the solvent system affect the results of a TLC? How do differences in polarity affect solubility? What is the effect of changing the mobile phase's polarity on a column chromatography compared to a thin layer chromatography? Could...
It may therefore be appropriate to use acidic polysaccharide-free and/or tannin-free extracts, which can easily be obtained respectively by precipitation after adding 50% ethanol and/or chromatography on a polyamide 6 or 8 column, using water and methanol as eluents (Cordell et al., 1993). ...
(DA)-PhyC-SpyCatcher and PhyC samples used for CD were dialyzed 3 times into 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0 with 2A mniMonC-eaxCclh2aanngde then purified again using anion-exchange chromatography was performed using a to polish the samples and remove 1 mL HiTrap HP Q column (GE ...
Describe the principle of either ion exchange or affinity chromatography. Without using column chromatography, how will you separate a mixture of camphor and benzoic acid? Why does chromatography work? Explain why the center of the band is used to ca...
Explain how thin-layer chromatography (TLC) works. Why does starch paste thicken when stirred? Does soap work as well on ink as it does on grease? Why or why not? What other clothing stains might you expect to remove with soap? What is the purpose of an emulsifier? What is supersaturati...
TLC is a form of chromatography that can be used to determining the amino acid content of a protein mixture. Explain how this process might work. Why does pH affect separation of amino acids by electrophoresis? Explain how an allosteric enzyme is regulated. Explain how urea can be used with...
Explain how some solids (compounds that are solids at room temperature) can be analyzed by gas chromatography. What is the effect of impurities on the melting and boiling points of a substance? How can you tell, if a liquid is a compound and not a homogenous substan...
Mass spectrometry is a technique used in analytical chemistry to experimentally determine the molecular weight of a substance. That also allows for the structure of the substance to be determined. This technique involves a number of instruments and multiple steps. ...