061 What ocean microbes reveal about the changing climate Angelicque White 13:06 062 How the magic of kindness helped me survive the Holocaust Werner Reich 11:02 063 A new type of medicine, custom made with tiny proteins Christopher Bahl 04:42 073 Imaginative sculptures that explore how ...
" asked the class. "How can a frog thaw? Are you sure this is a real frog? ""T he frog is real! T he frog lives in the USA and Canada. When it gets cold, the frog freezes, " said Raina."Very few animals can survive freezing, " the teacher said. "Even you cannot survive ...
The function of the nictitating membrane isa clear eyelid that protects the eye. It help the frog survive on land and in the water. Frogs pull up the the third eyelid during swimming to protect their eyes under water, much like the goggles that you wear in the pool. What is the role o...
104K Discover the unique physical adaptations of frogs and how they help frogs survive. Explore the advantages of frog eyes, the power of their legs, and how their skin helps them breathe and evade predators. Related to this QuestionHow...
How do amphibians survive in the winter? What is the function of the villi in a frog? What eats amphibians? How does an amoeba consume food? How do bullfrogs protect themselves? Where are amphibians on the food chain? What adaptations help frogs live in water?
This provides excellent insulation. The hibernating hornets vibrate their wings periodically, giving off body heat that keeps the nest just warm enough for the queen to survive and start another nest in the spring. The Nuts and Bolts of Hibernation The cape sand frog uses its hind legs to ...
“How long can African dwarf frogs live?” Well, they can survive for five to eight years. But to help them live this long in captivity, it is essential to look after their basic needs and requirements. Listed below is acomplete care guidethat contributes to the long and healthy life of...
Do subterranean tunnel living mole rats know the secret to a long healthy life or do they have an adaptation that helps them ? How do cats survive falls from height and always land on their feet? How do hummingbirds fly when it is raining? Butterfly wings not only get them around, but...
Frog-sicles?(how frogs survive the winter)Lamoureux, Victor S
Apparently animals have become victims of fashion industry. Animal skin has been used to make fashionable clothes and these clothes sell at a high price. So some greedy people begin to kill animals in a large quantity. This irresponsible behavior not only breaks the balance of nature but also ...