John Bennett. Good work, and all your other kinds of good work, poems, novels, publishing. Thank you for all that good work. I am saying this now, in case you get evicted from the body
make her snap closed her notebook full of to-do items and just sit down and read your words. But that does happen. Here at Black Lawrence Press, it’s happened over 200 times. When Patrick Michael Finn entered his short story collectionFromtheDarkness ...
Her story, “Kitten,” which appeared in Pidgeonholes, was nominated for Best Small Fictions 2020. Her story, “The Coma,” which appeared in the final issue of Natural Bridge journal, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Learn more at ...
I have (sober) musician friends who write every day, regardless of whether they feel inspired or not. They, as we say in creative writing, put their butts in the chair. They admit that the majority of their songs are throw-away pieces. This does not work for me. I’ve never written ...