A driver might be found to have a level of 0.15, for example, while the legal limit is 0.08. To comprehend how we can gain access to such precise numbers, we have to ask ourselves: how does a breathalyzer work? What do those figures mean? And how do police officers find out if ...
Inversion therapy: does hanging upside down help headaches? There is not enough evidence to support this idea. In fact, hanging upside down has been known to be fatal for some people if they stay upside down for too long. Inversion therapy can cause blood to collect in the brain, which ca...
When I prepare to do a specific type of fast, I love to take a look at what the organ I am targeting does. I find it fascinating and motivating to think of what is happening in my body that goes on without my even realizing it. The liver is an amazing organ, performing over 500 ...
Your liver is about the size of a football and sits under your lower ribcage on the right side. It has several important things to do. It helps clean your blood by getting rid of harmful chemicals that your body makes. It makes a liquid called bile, which helps you break down fat fro...
Smelling of alcohol or having many empty bottles around the house Significant weight changes Other physical signs of alcohol abuserequireprolonged use and include: Cardiac issues, like high blood pressure, stroke and irregular heartbeat Liver problems including fatty liver, hepatitis, fibrosis and cirrho...
To see why mosquitoes don't aid in the transmission of HIV, we can look at the insect's biting behavior. When a mosquito bites someone, it doesn't inject blood — its own or that of animals or people it's bitten. The mosquito does inject saliva, which acts as a lubricant allowing ...
Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) has been associated with major blood loss and the need for blood product transfusions. During the last two decades, improved surgical and anesthetic management and a better understanding of coagulation defects have reduced intraoperative blood loss and blood product...
One form of "liver disease", known as Cirrhosis, is caused by damage to liver cells (drinking too much alcohol is one cause). Genetic disease - A genetic disease is caused by a coding error in the DNA. The coding error causes too much or too little of certain proteins to be made, ...
It can raise your odds of liver disease and lung or kidney problems. Your doctor will give you lab tests every so often to make sure your organs are healthy. Cyclosporine. Most often used for serious psoriasis, it can cause high blood pressure or kidney problems. You may also have ...
DKA is a diabetic emergency that happens when you don't have enough insulin and your liver has to break down fat into substances called ketones for energy. This can result in a change in blood chemistry that causes unpleasant symptoms and even be fatal. DKA is the most common complication ...