How does the sound go to your brain?声音是如何进入你的大脑的?
The human brain is a complicated, creative information-processing system. As technology advanced from primitive to modern, the metaphors used to describe the brain also advanced. Initially, it was compared to a wax tablet, then to a sheet of papyrus, then to a book, and most recently, to ...
The second-person approach not only promotes the use of naturalistic speech but also allows for free communication between speaker and listener as in a close-to-life context. In this review, we first briefly review the previous discoveries about how the brain processes speech in noise; then, ...
and Jin Jeong, a postdoctoral fellow in Pinaud's laboratory, demonstrated that increasing estrogen levels inbrain regionsthat process auditory information caused heightened sensitivity of sound-processing neurons, which encoded more complex and subtle features of the sound stimulus. Perhaps more ...
Music does so many things to us that one can’t simply say, as many do, “Oh, I love all kinds of music.” Really? But some forms of music are diametrically opposed to one another! You can’t love them all. Not all the time, anyway. ...
Speech has two distinguishing characteristics: the voice of the speaker and the linguistic content itself, including speech sounds. Does thebrain processthese two types of information in the same way? "We created 120 pseudo-words that comply with the phonology of the French language but that make...
Surprises About How Sound Is Processed: Seeing The Brain HearKelly Blake
Now, inScience Express(January 30th, 2014), the fast-tracked online version of the journalScience, the UCSF team reports that the brain does not respond to the individual sound segments known as phonemes—such as the b sound in "boy"—but is instead exquisitely tuned to detect simpler eleme...
But how does the brain know where these vibrations occur? This is the organ of corti's job. The organ of corti is a structure containing thousands of tiny hair cells. It lies on the surface of the basilar membrane and extends across the length of the cochlea. Until a wave reaches the ...
Kraus: Well, first of all, even though the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, the way we process sound in the brain is faster. And if you can imagine, so right now as we're having this conversation, sound waves are occurring, and within every sound wave there is a...