A driver might be found to have a level of 0.15, for example, while the legal limit is 0.08. To comprehend how we can gain access to such precise numbers, we have to ask ourselves: how does a breathalyzer work? What do those figures mean? And how do police officers find out if ...
You might be wondering why one might want to make their own yogurt, well for a host of reasons actually. Commercially prepared yogurts contain a multitude of chemicals- such asCastoreum(which are derived the from scent glands located under the tale of a beaver), aspartame, high fructose corn...
“this product does not kill the ants. It irritates them, so they move away. Unfortunately how far away is unknown until you have made your first application and repeat applications are needed every four weeks until the
Understand the conditions that affect your heart and the habits that can help prevent or manage them. Taking action will help you keep your ticker in top shape. Heart Disease Cholesterol What is cholesterol? You may think all cholesterol is bad, but your body needs some to work right. ...
And how does the cell produce them when it needs them? If a cell is just a collection of enzymes causing chemical reactions that make the cell do what it does, then how can a set of chemical reactions create the enzymes it needs, and how can the cell reproduce? Where does the miracle...
What is a vitamin, and why do we need to take them every day? How do poisons work? What does it mean to be alive, at least at the cellular level? All of these questions have obvious answers once you understand how cells work -- so let's get started!
How long does being drunk last? The intoxicants in alcoholic drinks can leave you drunk for about 5 to 6 hours. After this time period, half the alcoholic effect in your bloodstream will have ebbed away. However, if you've consumed alcohol faster than your body could metabolize it, the ...
Your body really does get used to it after a few days. Reply Beth says 09/22/2022 at 5:36 am Andrea, You have really motivated me to drink more water, especially right when I wake up! I’d love to find the Aladdin water bottle! I’m having a tough time finding one. Any sug...
Amylases- Amylases break down starch chains into smaller sugar molecules. Your saliva contains amylase and so does your small intestine. Maltase, lactase, sucrase (described in the previous section) finish breaking the simple sugars down into individual glucose molecules. ...
Myth 5: There is a definitive answer with regard to whether sugar or saturated fat is worse for you. The plain and simple fact is that the jury is still way out on this so anyone who says they have the definitive answer is clearly biased towards a particular opinion or does not know ...