Does the Bible offer any clues? Read these Top 12 Verses-How To Spend Eternity With God … John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. ...
William Tyndale's 1535 Bible translates the verse: "upon this rock I will build my congregation." W.D. Ross wrote inAristotle(London, Methuen, 1937, p. 247): "Aristotle's ... citizen is not content to have a say in the ch...
Did Jesus Exist or Is It All a Myth? Is There Any Historical Proof for the Existence of Jesus? Atheists in the Pulpit: Clergy Who Are Non-Believers How Zoroastrianism Shaped the Judeo-Christian Concept of God
We’re not only to put off anger but all its ugly cousins— bitterness, rage, clamor, slander, malice, etc. and show kindness, compassion, and forgiveness, instead. This is God’s kind of forgiveness—not the “I’m forgiving you because the Bible says I have to, but I’m watching ...
But as for the wicked, either they will repent or God will deal with them now or for eternity or both. Luke 1.1-20: Faith & Certainty I’m excited to get into this third gospel account, written by Luke the Physician. Luke wrote both this gospel and the book of Acts. He was the ...
Frankly, I was not sure I could remember my name in a month’s time, let alone to come to this bridge onMicrosoft’sBing Maps. Apparently, the thought of seeing myself sprawled for eternity in a virtual wilderness wonderland was powerful indeed. For I did remember to come. I found the...
In answering such questions, we shouldalwaysbegin withanotherquestion: “What does theBibleteach on these matters?” If our beliefs are not rooted in God’s inspired word, they are not beliefs worth having!... Is God Omnipotent? This is, perhaps, the easiest of the three to answer:Yes, ...
Robertson does not "define" words, in some authoritative abstract manner, like the modern rationalist mind would prefer. Robertson does not try to find a clear, definite box in which to file away a word in Greek. He looks into the usage of a word or grammar form and surveys the breadth...
So plant your feet in Me and receive the abundance of God, whose grace pours out freely through me, as you stand cleansed and whole in the soil of the Kingdom, for now and through all of eternity.” 5 Comments Posted in Life in Christ, Uncategorized | Tags: adam, addiction, broken...
I’m gonna wrap this up the best I can, I could probably go on, but I don’t have an eternity like you do! Keep watching over us, and we will keep trying to make your memory live on. I love you, Boo Bear. Always will. ...