Testosterone is one of the most important hormones that the human body produces. It’s responsible for a range of essential body functions, especially in males. Not only does it help in developing male characteristics but it also supports lean muscle mass growth and improved stamina. People who ...
TestosteroneIn male songbirds, song functions to attract a mate or to defend a territory; it is therefore often produced in the context of reproduction. Testosterone of gonadal origin increases during the reproductive phase of the annual cycle and significantly enhances song production as well as ...
Have you had your hormone level tested and have learned that you are low on testosterone? Are you in perimenopause or menopause? What symptoms are you hoping the testosterone will help with? Let's see what we can find out for you.
The Importance of Testosterone for Women Up until recently, scientists considered testosterone (T) to be a male hormone. After all, it does give them that chiseled jaw, deep voice, huge muscles and ripped abs. But with recent advances in science and more and more research now made available...
men. If you have more free testosterone in your body, then you are likely to have a bigger penis. Your body also has some bound testosterone which is attached to proteins. If you can somehow convert the bound testosterone to free testosterone, then it will help you to get a bigger dick...
Oftentimes, males with low libidos or poor functioning that is sexual on testosterone replacement treatment or pro-testosterone supplements. Often it really works and quite often it does not, however when it does not, it is generally speaking due to 1 of 2 things, as this study demonstrably ...
involved in testosterone production throughfeedback loop. Small amount of free testosterone is aromatized into estrogen which tells hypothalamus to stop producing GnRH. When gonadotropin-releasing hormone decreases, so does leutenizing hormone which prevents the body from producing additional testosterone. ...
Progesterone plays an important role in the male body as it acts as a precursor to testosterone, helps counteract the effect of estrogen, and helpsprepare spermfor fertilization. But too much progesterone can cause symptoms such as decreased libido, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia (...
Likewise, losers also have fairly universal—and innate—body language cues. And in contrast to winning body language, these expressions can put a damper on your performance through many of the same pathways (e.g.,lowertestosterone anddulledcognition). ...
What does low testosterone do to men? Low testosterone can lead to a wide range of symptoms in men. The only way to know for sure if that’s the cause of your problems is to visit an experienced medical doctor. If your testosterone levels are low it may result in a combination of emo...