Termidor Taurus SC Fuse Talstar Bifen Crazy antsare one of the most difficult ants to control in structures. Their colonies are often numerous and they are aggressive foragers. Perimeter treatments with a liquid spray insecticide such asTermidor,Taurus,Fuse,Demon WP,TalstarandBifenare helpful where...
Treat the ant colonies directly if possible. Use baits for ant colonies that cannot be treated directly. It is not always possible to find where the ant colony is located. In this case, bait insecticides placed directly in the path of ants or where ants can find them are very effective an...
A pest control company sprayed termidor around home and drilled areas in patio, walkway and garage last September. I have in floor heating ducts/registries and am concerned that the pesticide seeped into the airducts or vaporize when cut heat on and seep into home that way. I thought I sme...