over the last three decades chronic disease like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease have grown exponentially in occurrences that correlate strongly with Americans’ ever-increasing intake of sugar. But while this may not be new information, people...
According to CDC, If you have diabetes, you’re twice as likely to have heart disease or a stroke than someone who doesn’t have diabetes.
When you eat or drink too much sugar, the extra insulin in your bloodstream can affect your arteries all over your body. It causes their walls to get inflamed, grow thicker than normal and more stiff, this stresses your heart and damages it over time. This can lead toheart disease, like...
Not only are people with diabetes at higher risk for heart disease, they're also at higher risk for heart failure, a serious medical condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood adequately. This can lead to fluid build-up in thelungsthat causes difficulty breathing, or fluid retenti...
Scientists now know that eating excessive amounts of added sugar canincrease the riskof obesity. And obesityincreases the riskof type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions. In the distant past, this wasn’t an issue for humans — sugary snacks were few and far between...
,like genetics,age,the amount of movement you get on a daily basis,and your diet,with many researchers believing that diet is the most crucial way to prevent these diseases.But how exactly do food and your daily diet impact your heart health and risk of disease?(2)...
DDoctors say anger can be a very harmful emotion unless you learn how to dealwith it. They warn that angry feelings can lead to heart disease, stomach problems,headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some peopleexpress...
But, just how bad is sugar, really? Well, research shows that refined sugar is associated withweight gain,diabetes,heart disease,osteoporosis, anddepression, among others. <--- NONE of those are good things. But, let’s clear one thing up: It’s actually not SUGAR, by itself, that is...
3. Sugarcauses inflammation– this causes pain and canlead to diabetes, cancer and heart disease. 4. Sugar can cause tooth decay. 5. Sugar reduces the release of the human growth hormone, which accelerates the aging process. VIDEO:
For example, people with poorly controlled diabetesare at higher riskof gingivitis. This is because having high blood sugar makes it easier for bacteria to thrive in the mouth, which can lead to gum disease. Similarly, getting infections, stress and other health problems under control can keep ...