How Does Sleep Affect Athletic Performance? ; Irish Olympian Thomas Barr Is Not a Man for Napping, but He Aims for Nine Hours of Sleep per NightWinter, George
Understanding the Influence of Life Stress on Athletic Performance CTL, ATL, and TSB are all worthy things to know and manage; but as an athlete, you’re much better off understanding, measuring, and managing something the training process model doesn’t mention — Total Life Stress. ...
This is the stage where most dreams occur and are believed to be important for memory retention and cognitive function, general daytime performance, and helps lower the body’s stress response. This is really important for those who suffer from a heavy mental load and are highly suscepti...
Some women will also notice different issues with their bodies as some will have more inflammation or stress during different phases. As women begin to figure out their bodies and how their menstrual cycles affect their performance, they will also notice how food affects their bodies. During some...
Bully Coaches can affect an athletes performance and mental game in a number of ways which is why it is important for parents to take action. I opened up a public discussion on this topic on our discussion page under mental training resources. This will allow our experts and other pa...
So, how does progesterone affect physical performance? The Progesterone Paradox Based on the overview above, it would seem like progesterone is primarily the “problem child” in regards to athletic performance. The truth is that estrogen and progesterone are important, and a balance of both ...
How Does Methylation Affect Fertility? Lights Out! 5 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Sleep Quality The Close Connection Between Your Gut Health and Sleep Quality Caffeine and Heart Health: A Benefit or a Risk? How to Tell if You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: What Does Carpal Tunnel Feel Lik...
What’s more, you must take into account the effects of stress and adrenaline on your body. The dynamic of a big race start, the course, the weather, your pacing,your breakfast, and other factors could all affect on how you run on race day. ...
performance much, the effect that high quality sleep has on your immune system – and the ability to recover (or not) – is quite astounding. Both of these matter in the long run, as they affect week-to-week consistency, which is a far better indicator of success than any one single ...
posture dictate your movement patterns. Imagine how much stress must be placed on your bones, muscles, and joints if you can’t keep a vertical spine during a back squat, or if you have a poor front rack position as a result of internally rotated shoulders (thanks to slouching). Yes, ...