I got one of these electrical, like bike things that you click,you know, there for all the old people, you click it and you know, it automatically does this for you. Right. Strap her in and let her go. We didn’t want her to atrophy. Right. We worked on her body. We worked o...
How does it work? 0 Joe Born Reply to Joe Born April 9, 2015 8:28 am ferdberple: “In other words, any feedback greater than 1 gives an infinite response.” Just in case our seemingly inconsistent responses are confusing, it might not be amiss for me to let DHR know that I ...
Snippets like “ remember to engage your brain before you work your tongue” or “if you do not have anything good to say, do not say it at all” have been replaced with “Just do it” and mindless tweets and cowardly virtual toxic back stabbing. Sure we get to toss around terms like...