The frequency selectivity needed to create a single notch filter is achieved by shifting only the phase of the signal (hence the name) rather than its overall timing: a subtle but very important difference. By arranging the phase shift to reach 180 degrees at a specific frequency, combining th...
All of the peaks and troughs of the waves are lined up, or in phase. The waves line up spatially, or across the wave of the beam, as well as temporally, or along the length of the beam. You can check out How Lasers Work to see precisely how a laser does this. Light Reflection ...
Two or three times a year, the Full Moon phase coincides with the Moon reaching the lunar nodes of its orbit. These are the points where the Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic, which is the Sun’s path, seen from Earth. When this happens, Earth casts its shadow on the Full Moon, ca...
Some aircraft designs even go so far as to eject entire crew cabins as a single, multiperson escape capsule. Planes Inside Planes If you absolutely have to leave an airplane midflight, wouldn't it be nice to leave in another airplane? Despite what you may have seen in movies, this ...
How does an airplane turn in the air? How does it rise to a higher altitude or dive back toward the ground? First, let's consider the angle of attack, the angle that a wing (or airfoil) presents to oncoming air. The greater the angle of attack, the greater the lift. The smaller ...
The shuttle orbiter provides an environment where you can live and work in space. Space shuttle Endeavour (STS113) in orbit as seen from the International Space Station. Photo courtesy NASA It must be able to do the following: provide life support - everything the Earth does for us (atmos...
How does DevSecOps differ from DevOps? In simple terms, DevOps is about removing the barriers between traditionally siloed teams. In a DevOps model, development and operations teams work together across the entire software application life cycle, from development and testing through deployment and ...
However, as the interface description does not follow a semantic information model, capability descriptions are not part of the MTP. This requires additional non-standardized documents in the plant design phase to describe services and process variables. Planning data that are based on formal ...
Although this resource lock is associated with the Sch-M lock, it does not prevent data manipulation statements. The previous table shows a single Shared (S) lock acquired during the build phase of an online index operation that involves a single index. When clustered and nonclustered indexes ...
How Does Physical Synthesis Work? Importance of Physical Synthesis Benefits of Physical Synthesis Physical Synthesis and Synopsys Definition Before defining physical synthesis, it is useful to define logic synthesis. Pioneered by Synopsys, logic synthesis takes as an input a description of a circui...