I completely agree with you. From what I have observed, the moon does play a role in human behavior. Ive been researching this sporadically for a couple years and i wish there was more research to prove the effects it has on humans. I've only been a nurse for 10 years but have been...
science has begun to recognize the powerful connections through which emotional, spiritual, and behavioral factors can directly affect health outcomes. As research in the field of mind-body medicine is finding, emotions and t...
How does schizophrenia affect society? How is reality therapy used for depression and anxiety? What is aging and how does it affects our mental health? Why do people get depressed? How do symptoms of depressive disorders differ from temporary emotional reactions of sadness and/or grief?
According to the Mayo Clinic, Manic periods are characterized by feelings of euphoria, high energy, and irritability, while depressive episodes are characterized by feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Episodes can be rare or occur many times throughout a year. Bipolar disorder can affect sleep in...
Originally Posted On:https://brendareisscoaching.com/how-does-forgiveness-affect-your-health/ Do you notice a difference in your body when you are struggling with resentment, sadness or anger? How does it feel when you are happy and feel connected?
Emotional pain doesn't just affect the mind — there's an effect on the body too. Understand why we feel emotional pain and how to deal with difficult emotions.
“FOMO is probably the most hurtful in teenagers or younger adults, specifically because they are trying to figure out where they fit in life and what groups they fit into,” shares Dr. Sullivan. How does FOMO affect your health? The fear of missing out can have a direct impact on your...
In the everyday trance of a daydream or movie, an imaginary world seems somewhat real to you, in the sense that it fully engages your emotions. Imaginary events can cause real fear, sadness or happiness, and you may even jolt in your seat if you are surprised by something (a monster ...
Different categories of substances affect the body differently. And while it’s impossible to answer questions like, “Which drug is the worst?” we do have data on the prevalence and severity of substance use disorders for the most commonly misused substances, from alcohol to heroin. 1. Alcoho...
Previous research has demonstrated an interaction between eye gaze and selected facial emotional expressions, whereby the perception of anger and happiness is impaired when the eyes are horizontally averted within a face, but the perception of fear and sadness is enhanced under the same conditions. T...