it still does not fructify at high temperatures, while when HEI10tfs2is used as the male parent, the opposite is true (Zhang et al.2024).OsMADS8is crucial for the growth of rice pistils. Theosmads8mutant exhibits an initiation defect in the ovule at high temperatures, bringing about fail...
In all of these studies, there is always a fraction of soluble protein that does not attain a folded, functional state by the last time point. The percentage of molecules that did not fold ranged from a low of 6% to a high of 70% (Table1, Fig.1aand Supplementary Data1). Since struc...
What is the structure of ATP and how does it work? Why is it important? How does it differ from NADPH?Which of the following is not produced in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis? A. NADPH B. sugars C. ATP D. oxygen...
JournalofExperimentalBotany,Vol.61,No.11,pp.3015–3028,2010 doi:10.1093/jxb/erq128AdvanceAccesspublication19May,2010 Thispaperisavailableonlinefreeofallaccesscharges(seehttp://jxb.oxfordjournals/open_access.htmlforfurtherdetails) RESEARCHPAPER Photosynthesisatanextremeendoftheleaftraitspectrum: howdoesitrelat...
What is the structure of ATP and how does it work? Why is it important? How does it differ from NADPH? What are the roles of C02, RUBP, rubisco, PGA, G3P, NADPH, and ATP in the Calvin Cycle? During what stage of photosynthesis are ATP and NADPH converted to ADP + Pi ...
It has been reported that the role of Zn in crop yield is linked with Zn-mediated improvements in CA activity, CO2 fixation, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) activity, and photosynthetic capacity [217]. Further, Zn also improves the development of flowers and pollen ...