As a physician and a futurist I am often asked how to live a long and healthy life. Here are 10 simple steps, which will help add an extra decade to many people's lives. 1. Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day Huge amount of research confirms important of roughage in our...
Spinach – high in vitamins A, B, C and K while also containing iron, antioxidants, beta-carotene, and roughage (helps digestion). Blueberries – a great source of antioxidants which boost the immune system. Just because it’s hard to pronounce, doesn’t mean it’s bad for your pup. ...
Insoluble fibre, on the other hand, is more difficult to digest, and so it bulks up your stool. (Think: the type of fibre found in roughage, like broccoli and the skin of apples.) Both types of fibres are necessary for a good gut, healthy poops, and also heart health. ...
Insoluble fibre or ‘roughage’ holds onto water and produces softer, bulkier stools, which helps to regulate bowel movement and increases transit time of food through the colon. It is good for constipation. Examples of dietary sources are bran, gluten free whole grains (brown r...
Finally, those who have gut inflammation may feel worse if they consume high amounts of fiber or raw foods, as the roughage can be like sandpaper to the gut and contribute to more irritation. No food sensitivity test will determine if the fiber is contributing to problems. ...
Too many calories and not enough roughage may quickly contribute to not enough chewing, as the rabbit is soon satisfied. Malocclusion in older rabbits is frequently accompanied by other dental problems, such as abscesses, and overgrowth of the molars affecting the incisors, putting pressure on the...
Why does my cat eat grass? Although they're carnivores by nature, cats often eat grass and other roughage. This is likely to soothe digestive problems or to help the cat purge after eating spoiled food or something else it no longer wants in its belly. Cats are almost certainly not e...
That’s a great point, it should help with storage but I do lose a little bit of the roughage obviously. Do you have any tips on removing the oxalic acid for juicing? I’m not so sure boiling it first would work well for the juicing process but I think I’m willing to try…!!
does provide a value for no-sugar-added raspberry spread of 26. This spread can probably be taken as a good representation of raspberry glycemic index, and the value of 26 means that raspberries have a low glycemic index value. Foods with a glycemic index below 55 are classified as low ...
If you don’t have stick blender, the sweet potato skins might be too chunky for some, but I like a bit of rustic roughage! When you’re about ready to eat, add the chopped parsley leaves and mint, season well with salt and pepper, a good squeeze of lemon juice and a little zest...