Reiki is taught according to the Japanese tradition of the sensei (teacher), who passes the knowledge to the student through attunement, an initiation ceremony that is thought to help open the student’s energy channels to facilitate the flow of healing energy, and potentially help improve health...
How Does Reiki Bring Wisdom and Life-force Into the Body?energetic bodyqi
Although the article cited above was originally written for people looking for help with depression, the mind-body exercises found in that article can be extremely helpful when looking to feel emotionally balanced. If you're currently suffering with a chronic anal fissure, I hope that you find ...
“After Usui's death, Mrs. Takata, a student of Usui, took over as president. She felt that money was something that Western people understood and respected and this would help create the appreciation and gratitude for Reiki that was needed. She decided that $10,000 would be a large enoug...
The introduction of technological innovations in healthcare in recent years has provided healthcare professionals with a wide range of powerful new tools and procedures that can help people live longer, healthier lives. The importance of these innovations has ranged from life-saving surgical proced.....
For those who are unfamiliar, let’s answer the frequently asked question:What is reiki? This ancient practice is rooted in the idea of channeling universal energy, orqi, to clear blockages and restore balance. Sincereiki is found to alleviate pain, it’s no wonder why many people would tu...
I tell people do their own research to meet the needs they have. I mostly guess and go on myself. Today I bought some beeswax to apply to cavities so food does not stick in holes until the healing takes over. Since food sticks in there the wax should stick there and prevent further ...
I’ve been helping people overcome anxiety, fears and phobias for 30 years. Learn how to deal with anxiety and phobias to change your life. I’m here to help. You’re stuck, there’s been a shift in your life and now the rest of you has to get on board with it too, but it’...
Reiki has also been observed to help people change old and unwanted habits such as smoking. Reiki has even been seen to help relieve colds, flu, headaches, sprains, and strains. Reiki should not be seen, however, as a complete substitute for conventional healing methods. At best, Reiki may...
By aligning and fine-tuning these frequencies, Reiki practitioners can help restore harmony and address imbalances in your energetic aura. What food has the highest vibration? The concept of “you are what you eat” takes on a deeper meaning when discussing vibrational energy. Beyond just nutrition...