When you think of psoriasis, you think of red, scaly patches on your skin. But psoriasis can change affect your organs, your body’s systems, and even your emotions. Learn more about the ways psoriasis can affect your health.
According to theNational Institutes of Health, about20–80 %of women develop benign muscular tumors known as fibroids (also referred to as myomas or leiomyomas) by the time they reach50. These tumors usually do not need treatment. However, you may require treatment, if fibroids cause heavy ble...
only associations, but we know typical meat eaters also tend to partake in other unhealthy behaviors like smoking and drinking. When accounting for these factors, red meat has not been found to cause ill health.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Not only does it act as the first line of defense against external stressors such asenvironmental toxins, pathogens and pollutants, our skin can also reveal much about our internal health. Research has shown that the gut and skin are constant...
How does endometriosis affect your daily life? In the GSWH, women with endometriosis reported poorer quality of life in aspects of mental role limitation, social functioning, mental health, vitality, and bodily pain. Hummelshoj and her colleagues estimated that endometriosis is responsible for a los...
Hi Julianne, how many acupuncture treatments does it typically take to help clear up chronic sinusitis? I had never thought of this type of treatment for sinus problems. Mr. Jackson Sayers BSc., Kinesiologist, Vancouver, BC 05 February 2015 HealthChoicesFirst Thanks Julianne, I will try ac...
When your heart doesn’t get the care it needs, serious problems can develop in the lining of the arteries, which then lead to plaque formation. Plaque is what leads to heart attacks and blockage of blood flow in the arteries. Understand the conditions that affect your heart and the habits...
What does a diverticulitis attack feel like? Diverticulitis is an inflammatory condition of the colon that occurs when small pouches in the lining of the colon become inflamed or infected. The symptoms of a diverticulitis attack can vary in severity, but they typically include: ...
This is something that will mostly affect the veins found on the back of the legs. It involves the enlargement and engorgement of veins mainly as a result of valve failure. With this, you find that the veins are not able to work at their best and move blood like the healthier veins. ...
Becausebleedingduring all phases ofpregnancymay be dangerous, a woman should call her health care professional if she has any signs ofvaginal bleedingduring her pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding is any blood coming from the vagina (the canal leading from the uterus to the external genitals). ...