Quorum sensing: How bacteria can coordinate activity and synchronize their response to external signals [J]. Protein Sci, 2012, 21(10): 1403-1417.LI Z,NAIR S K.Quorum sensing:How bacteria can coordinate activity and synchronize their response to external signals?[J].Protein Science,2012,21(...
I've told you that bacteria have all these social behaviors, that they communicate with these molecules. Of course, I've also told you that one of the important things they do is to initiate pathogenicity using quorum sensing. So we thought: What if we made these bacteria so they...
How can the new discoveries in intracellular bacterial communication aid the process of drug discovery?Bacterial cell-to-cell communication:Once regarded as solitary cells, discovery of cell-to-cell communication between bacteria changed the old view. Quorum sensing is a fo...
so too does the synthesis of peptidoglycans, proteins, and nucleic-acids; thus, stationary cultures are less susceptible to antibiotics that disrupt these processes. In bacteria capable of producing endospores, many cells undergo sporulation during the stationary phase. Secondary metabolites, including...
We have a fancy name for this: we call it quorum sensing. They vote with these chemical votes, the vote gets counted, and then everybody responds to the vote.8:19What's important for today's talk is that we know that there are hundreds of behaviors that bacteria carry out in these ...
What implications does the research of anti-quorum sensing molecules have for the problem of antibiotic resistance? In what way does the use of antibiotics impose selective pressure on bacteria? What is antibiotic resistance? How do bacteria become resistant to antibiotics? Your answer sh...
bacteria lend themselves to the reduced efficacy of antibiotics in the treatment of biofilm infection, as many compounds rely on active metabolism to work [31,32]. (iii)High cell density and quorum sensing (QS)plays an important role in biofilm formation and bacteria or biofilm raft detachment ...
in various oils can be foundhere. Note that this table does not reveal the amounts of MUFA (mono unsaturated fatty acids) which are arguably “heart healthy”. Nor does it address the important issue of protective polyphenols and anti-oxidants (such as in Extra Virgin Olive oil aka EVOO)...
bacteria prepared from invasive clones collected in certain farms. The protection provided by bacterins is strain specific and often unpredictable [3]. The main drawbacks associated with bacterins are: (i) high diversity of antigens produced byS. suis, (ii) antigenic variability of surface-...
Quorum sensingbioluminescencecellcell communicationTraditionally, social cooperation has been considered the preserve of higher organisms. Only in relatively recent times have biologists begun to appreciate that bacteria are also highly interactive creatures. They exhibit complex cooperative behaviours, such as ...