022 How does income affect childhood brain development Kimberly Noble 11:48 023 How I unlearned dangerous lessons about masculinity Eldra Jackson 11:23 024 How I'm making bricks out of ashes and rubble in Gaza Majd Mashharawi 10:46 025 How storytelling helps parents in prison stay connect...
The initial symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be triggered by an upsetting event, but the effects may linger for months or even years. The effects of PTSD on sleep may be profound and range frominsomniatonightmares. What is PTSD? How does PTSD affect sleep?
What does science say? Marijuana has been usedmedicinally for centuries, and instates where medical marijuana is legalit has been cleared to treat a variety of conditions that affect sleep or cause nausea or pain. Despite its taboo past, some researchers are finding correlations between sexual pl...
How does anxiety affect child development? How does PTSD affect child development? How does trauma affect child development? How does autism affect child development? How does ADHD affect child development? How does cerebral palsy affect child development? How does low birth weight affect child devel...
1. Briefly describe depression disorder. 2. What are the symptoms of depression disorder? 3. How does stress affect/cause/manifest/enhance, depression disorder condition? 4. How many people are affected by depression disorder? Describe how depression d ...
researchers discovered that web-based CBT generally reduced the frequency and severity of the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, and panic disorder, as well as depressive disorders, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more. They also found that these online interventions were ...
being a harmless activity, doomscrolling can negatively affect how we view the people and world around us. In both American and Iranian study participants, doomscrolling was associated with existentialanxiety—worries about existence, life, and death. No wonder so many people seem...
PTSD has also been associated with sleep paralysis,alongside other mental illnesseslike bipolar disorder, panic disorder, and anxiety disorder. Meanwhile,periods of high stress may trigger sleep terrorsfor some people. In addition,children who experience bedwetting tend to be more likely to have anxi...
W.H.R Rivers explain how warfare inhibit the “higher function of the nervous system and the mental activity” of people who were involved. The causes of PTSD was becoming more clear as the war became to an end. It had to deal with the emotional aspect of war and how these men weren...
Suddenly, you feel a weight on your chest and find that you cannot move your limbs. The figure reaches out to you… what does it look like? The answer may lie in the stories you were told growing up. If you’re African American, Italian, Brazilian, Southern American, or from Newfoun...