Things Aging Adults Can Do Alone to Stay Mentally Sharp There issome evidencethat staying mentally sharp does improve memory. The availability of things aging adults can do alone to stay mentally sharp is practically infinite. Knowing how to access the internet through a computer, smartphone or ta...
5. Those donations and activism will be a large benefit compared to the direct change in factory farming demand or any change in effort on other areas like poverty. David Chudzicki (9y, via fb): I could understand a claim that ACE's estimates are too optimistic, but really I'm just ...
It’s classy to make space for others to feel comfortable and included in the conversation. 3. Hold intellectually stimulating conversations Introverts have no patience with small talk or gossip. They prefer a more intimate conversation and take it deep instead of wide. When you ask someone ho...
The position of the Moon on the day you were born and the zodiac constellation it was traveling through does indeed say a lot about your character and in particular our emotions; and this is even more so the case for women. Our Astrologer, Susan Taylor, unveils the secrets of this ...
The reason is that understanding does not always go with the right action. Realizing what your biases are as well as where these biases may affect the way you deal with information will the tips that show you how to develop critical thinking skills. Read more: Physical symptoms of depression...
Do you have siblings, and does your role in the sibling hierarchy affect your life? What’s a weird story of yours? A spontaneous thing you’ve done or something that happened to you and the way you reacted to it? What’s a value you were raised to have?
Of course, just understanding this intellectually doesn’t change how things feel. I know that planes are actually much safer means of travel and that plane crashes are rare and turbulence doesn’t bring planes down. That doesn’t stop me from trying to hold the plane up through sheer will...
It doesn't make sense that an alert message -- that remains after the payment issue is resolved and does not affect the accuracy of the financial records -- is removeable only by altering accounting processes in an inadvisable manner. Customers have bee...
You might already know that your good health is the foundation upon which youbuild everything elsethat truly matters. Before 50, many of us only realize this intellectually. As we move pastage 50, however, we realize it on a new level. ...
Admissions officers want to see that you’re genuinely intellectually curious—and, on a more practical level, that you can excel while taking a rigorous course load.At many high schools, AP courses are the most advanced ones offered, which means they’re the best way of demonstrating your ...