It is believed that Jesus’ ministry, from His baptism to His ascension, took place between AD 29–33. In this case, it can be inferred that Jesus died when He was between 33 and 34 years old.
How does the death of Jesus Christ fit into the picture? How do we know what is true? These are only some of the questions we answer in learning to think biblically. The ability to quote salvation or assurance verses is inadequate unless the verses fit into a larger concept of the ...
To be man is to be the limited creature who does not open his mind for greater knowledge, who accepts theory and does not practice living, who is the taught rather than be the teacher, the protected rather than the explorer. A person that is willing to let go of all of their past is...
this would already make a difference – and influence the “holy market” to “react”. The consumer – acting as “group” ist a very powerful one. Now, the “good people” have to pay as individuals for the misbehaviour of the majority. That’s the...