The cardiovascular system transports blood through the body which includes both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Oxygen is required for cells to survive and enters into the bloodstream through the lungs and exits the bloodstream when it diffuses into body tissues....
Oxygen from the air (big turquoise blobs) comes down a second pipe to the positive terminal. The negative terminal (red) is made of platinum, a precious metal catalyst designed to speed up the chemistry that happens in the fuel cell. When atoms of hydrogen gas reach the catalyst, they ...
To determine how many cellular membranes oxygen must cross to reach the pulmonary capillaries from alveolar air, we can follow these steps:1. Identify the Starting Point: Oxygen enters the body through the alveoli, which are ti
How are food molecules and oxygen transported to cells? How are proteins packaged and transported within a cell? How does the concept of diffusion interact with the body's cells? How do xylem cells facilitate long distance transport? How are vacuoles and vesicles involved in cell transport?
How Fuel Cells Work If you want to be technical about it, a fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device. Discovered in the 1800s, a fuel cell converts the chemicals hydrogen and oxygen into water, and in the process it produces electricity. The other electrochemical device that... Are you ready for a cannabis harvest in your house, like Larry here? Growing Cannabis Basics Cannabis plants are weeds with simple needs. Your cannabis plants will grow as long as you give them the right amount of the foll...
This method is promising in fighting cancer cells. Also, these nanoparticles can be very powerful in imaging, which is very important in both diagnosis and therapy monitoring [53]. One of the most promising nanoparticles in combating cancer is Au nanoparticle [54]. However, these metals can be...
“During that time, there was very little to no available oxygen in the oceans and higher concentrations of toxic inorganic compounds; conditions similar to some modern environments found on the seafloor, especially within sediments. Understanding the energy and carbon sources used by this foraminifer...
oxygen sensorand an accompanying app to give you more ways to monitor your heart and respiratory health. Together they measure your oxygen saturation (SpO2) in your blood -- how much oxygen from your lungs your red blood cells pick up and transport to all of the other parts of your body....
Why do you need to test for glucose in the solutions? What does the presence of glucose indicate for the reaction? How is glucose absorbed across the intestinal mucosa? Why does exercise increase a need for blood supply? Why do our muscles need it? Please explain what oxy...