Filipino Filipino French Français German Deutsch Greek Ελληνικά Hausa Hausa Hebrew עברית Hungarian Magyar Hindi हिन्दी Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Italian Italiano Japanese 日本語 Korean 한국어 Lao ລາວ Malay Bahasa Melayu Mongoli...
FILIPINO migrationsEMPLOYMENTGENDERREMITTANCESIn this article, unit record data on Filipino migrants are used to analyze the issue of skills mismatch, its prevalence, and its impact on remittances sent back home. Results obtained using instrumental variable techniques reveal that significant proportions of...
In Vietnam, Korean culture has attained substantial popularity (Jang et al.,2021). Korean cosmetics, constituting 30% (USD 193.4 million) of Vietnam's total cosmetic imports, possess the largest market share (Korea International Trade Association,2020). The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Kor...
But what exactly is heartbreak, and how does it affect us? 心碎激发了数以千计的歌曲、书籍和电影的灵感,无论我们如何努力避免它,我们都可能在生命中的某个时刻经历过。 但心碎到底是什么?它对我们有何影响? Heartbreak often occurs after a breakup, bereavement or the loss of a family member or ...
Help Scout’sAI assistcan translate replies into Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, English, Filipino, French, Korean, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese. In addition, it can help with other things like correcting spelling and grammar mistakes and adjustin...
There are two very effective ways that a citizen can affect our government. By voting and by contacting your representatives.Find My Legislators A simple email and/or a phone call to the people that represent us South Dakotans in Pierre and Washington D.C. can be effective. ...
GRACE: That’s right. It’s a fun thing. It’s a good way to go deeper and further to the Chinese culture. TAM: I also spoke with Wen Zhao and her 17-year-old Dragon daughter Dora. Wen had moved from China to America after college, and she raised Dora in Illinois. ...
is responsible for Kombucha’s “bite” as well as some benefits. Kombucha vinegar will range higher in acetic acid concentration than regular Kombucha depending on many factors including the time of ferment, amount ofsugar, amount of culture used, etc. A typical Kombucha vinegar will contain aro...
How Does Skills Mismatch Affect Remittances? a Study of Filipino Migrant WorkersI. INTRODUCTION The economic literature is rich with evidence showing high prevalence of...doi:info:doi/10.1111/coep.12167McDonald, James TedValenzuela, Maria Rebecca...