But you will die one day and must face the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua Ha Moshciach, and give an account for all of your sins which can only be atoned for NOW by the atoning death of Yeshua. Orthodox Christianity, to which I subscribe has always maintained a moderation in use of arms ...
redemption from social evil) as a 'comprehensive movement of thought' (Talmon 1960:17-24; Duncan 2000: 48-61; Wegner 2000: 68,69) ,iv (b) that it originates from the 'Messiah' of Christianity, and (c) that its idea of 'chosenness' can be traced back to Judaism's 'chosen people...
What does that have to do with Jesus Christ 700 years later? Well, that’s the Christian perspective, the New Testament perspective. These people are convinced that Jesus is the messiah and therefore they comb the Old Testament for prophecies and anything that pertains or seems to pertain to ...
Many claims have been made about the resemblances between Christianity and earlier myths and religions. Some of those claims are true and others aren’t.
Why Does It Matter Who Wrote It? by Phinneas “If it’s true, why should we care about the political viewpoint of the author?”. Whilst I would never defend the original perpetrator of the false source I do relate to the sentiment expressed by Phinneas. It is mostly in that light ...
Specifically, in the second piece, Girardeau gives an irresolveable proof against Determinism, the view that man’s will is necessitated, in one form or another, by the created order to do what it does, it not being able to do otherwise. Determinism, having its rise from the Enlightenment...
LORD or YHVH? Jesus or Yeshua? Sunday or Sabbath? Church or Synagogue? Gentile or Israel? Clean or Unclean? Law or Grace? 2000 years after the Messiah, wherever we live, whether it's Sri Lanka or any other part of the world, all of us require to learn ho
It doesn’t really, it is part of a book review contest, but the reviewer says this, he says, the rise or she the rise of Christianity is a great puzzle. In 40 ad there were maybe a thousand Christians, their Messiah had just been executed and they were on the wrong side of an ...
The Sabbath in Judaism is a day of complete rest that is observed on the seventh day of the week, beginning from Friday at sundown and ending Saturday at sundown. It is theday on which Godrested after completing all of creation and also commemorates the Lord freeing the His people from sl...
He added that “even if the perpetrators are a minority, those who are silent and fail to exclude them bring criticism upon [all settlers]. To me, this is not Judaism.” Settler soldiers The military plays a central role in the lives of many Israelis. While Arab Israelis and ultra-...