Does the Jackalope Really Roam the State of Wyoming? 5 Common Causes of Wildfires Culture When Did Jesus Die? Scholars Are Divided Why Was the Mad Hatter Mad? All About WITSEC, aka the Witness Protection Program How a Teenage Sacagawea Guided the Lewis and Clark Expedition Into Immortality ...
“He (Jesus) was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him (Jesus), and without him (Jesus) was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:2-3). “For by him (Jesus) all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or ...
The Bible does not mention how tall Jesus was, as height is not something the Bible routinely discusses. However, in Isaiah 53:2, we learn a little about his physical appearance, “For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground; He has nostatelyform...
Jesus will not take away our eternal life or kick us out of heaven or anything like that. But He might be ashamed of how we treated His fellow brothers and sisters, of how we squandered the divine spiritual wealth we have been given in Him, and how we failed to love and sever others...
How Does Jesus Save?How Jesus Found Me?How I Met Jesus?How Important Is Bible Memorization?How Important Is Prayer?How Important Is Rest?How Is Chess Like Life?How Is Your Mental Health?How Is Your Quiet Time With God?How Is Your Walk With God?
will." That may be true in some cases, but if we are walking in close fellowship with the Lord on a day-to-day basis--devoting ourselves to prayer and the study of His Word--we can trust that we are hearing from God when we ask for His will and wisdom in a situation. Jesus ...
Finally, if you have good reason to believe you’ve committed a mortal sin, and you go to confession, that’s not (as Fr. Rude puts it) “rather sad.” It’s rather (as Jesus puts it) a cause of great celebration, as “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repe...
“… but GROW in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18) This verse is only one short sentence long, but a lot is being said in it. After we get saved, God expects us to start growing in the knowledge that He wants to transmit to us. And...
As members of the new covenant, we are privileged to be able to enter into the most holy place and commune with the Lord because of Jesus (Heb. 6:19–20). Prayer has been given to us so that we may enter into this holy place to commune with our Father in heaven. As the bride ...
Faith Is Looking to Jesus Timeline Section Index How to Be Ready for the Rapture The Conflicts of Armageddon Hastening the LORD's Return More Than One Rapture The Third Day:Fulfillment of Prophecy World Population Reaches 6 Billion For the Elect's Sake It's Time to Go Does God Test People...