In this study, we investigated one of the important facial signals, the “thinking face,” which is used to convey being in thought. We aimed to (a) identify the facial patterns when humans are engaged in answering complex questions (i.e., the thinking face) and (b) clarify whether impl...
But it is not only the growing socio-technical omnipresence of DVAs which could make them an important case for developmental research, but also their potential ontological momentum as experienced by today’s children. DVAs are part of the human-technology dyad which has evolved since humans firs...
any more than Hitler succeeded in exterminating the Jews (amongst others). That does not make the attempt either laudable or tolerable. And it seems to me far more urgent a concern than, say, the prevalence of drag artists in American schools. I have nothing against drag...
perhaps like a good sperm count (sorry, if the biological analogy offends anybody from this/another planet). That’s right, real strength is in number, biologically or otherwise. Hegel was right with his observance of the phenomenon of critical mass (quantity) exchanging itself...
In the nineteenth century, Hegel argued in his extensive and complex study of Western history that progress represents the unfolding in time and space of the absolute Idea (Hegel’s vague understanding of God), which would reach its apex in the creation of the Prussian state. The assumption ...
Indeed, to cite just one example, Hegel praised Goethe’s ideas precisely for their resonance with Platonism, for in them, “Two worlds greet each other: our abstruse world and the world of phenomenal being [Dasein]” (Hegel 1984, p. 699). However, in this section, I will focus solely...
one and he regarded his commentary on the Confucian classics as his greatest achievement in life (Grant 1987; Yu 2009), his thoughts and writing were also profoundly influenced by Daoism and Buddhism, especially Chan Buddhism (Egan and Su 1994; Hegel 1998), which was prevalent in his time. ...