hearingacuitylisteningeffortWingfieldArthurPeelleJonathanEingentaconnectAging HealthWingfield, A., and Peelle, J. E. (2012). How does hearing loss affect the brain? Aging Health 8, 107-109. doi: 10.2217/ahe.12.5Wingfield, A., & Peelle, J. E. (2012). How does hearing loss affect the ...
That’s because communication is at the root of all great relationships. From personal to professional to even incidental relationships, most rely on communication to help them succeed. So the question instead is — howdoesuntreated hearing loss impact relationships? That depends on who you ask: t...
This article is all about the structure of the ear and how it functions to help maintain the balance and equilibrium of the body.
As we age, hearing loss can be an unfortunate reality for many. But did you know that hearing loss can affect more than just your ability to hear? It can also have a significant impact on your physical safety by increasing your risk of falls and accidents. At Clever Care Health Plan, ...
How does alcohol affect the brain and body? Alcohol starts to alter your brain about 30 seconds after you drink it. You may feel mentally slower and have slower reflexes. You may notice changes in your mood and balance. Alcohol impairs long-term memory so you may not remember what you do...
Research also shows that heavy drinking by men may lower testosterone levels and affect the making of sperm. 14/15 Hearing Loss Alcohol impacts your hearing, but no one’s sure exactly how. It could be that it messes with the part of your brain that processes sound. Or it might damage ...
Music therapy does more than help dementia patients remember. It helpsalleviate depression, anxiety, and agitationwhile improving brain function and overall quality of life. Music therapy has been found to exert measurable changes inneurotransmitter levels in Alzheimer’s patients, which may be one of...
2. In addition, some pain relievers like Tylenol and ibuprofen like Advil can alleviate the pain in the eardrums. Check with your dock if any of these medications affect your body.Eustachian tube dysfunctions can go away independently, as conservative treatments trigger chronic eustachian tube ...
Hearing loss in older adults is linked to thinking problems and even brain tissue loss. 5/14 Surf Before Bed Not waves -- the Internet. The “blue light” given off by electronic gadgets like phones, computers, and TVs can mess up your sleep. And some studies show that too much of ...
Half-shell vs. full-shell hearing aids Your hearing health Does toxoplasmosis cause hearing loss? Your hearing health Are cotton swabs safe for ears? Get support and advice Book an appointment online Book now Take a free online hearing test ...