Make Reading Active If your child feels restless or bored while reading, you may want to pair other activities with the reading material to make it more interesting. Lester suggests parents come up with fun activities that relate to their child’s reading to get them a bit more engaged with ...
1. Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. -Arnold Schwarzenegger2. The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a person perfected without trials. -Confucius...
I started as a clumsy yet passionate rookie 10 years ago to now a still passionate yet much better skateboarder! But I have to tell you, the whole journey has always been fun and rewarding, indeed not without hardship.
You need to explain what happened, but more importantly, explain how you have become a stronger, more capable applicant and person from the circumstances. Let's use Applicant A as an example. Although this applicant doesn't have to disclose the specifics of his ...
Mahatma Gandhi once said “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” A person’s will is the key to survival. While physical strength is an advantage, a person needs the mental capacity to problem solve. Survival is attainable only when a person uses...
The author Yann Martel uses Piscine Molitor Patel in the novel Life of Pi to send a message to readers about using ambiguity to create a theme about morality through the use of religion as spiritual beliefs can stabilize and nourish one in times of hardship. The use of religion, story-...
Experiencing difficulty makes me grow stronger. Experiencing difficulty is the strongest of teachers; I may temporarily feel broken, but in the long run, I will be better. Life is not complete without difficulty, hardship, and suffering. Difficulty-as-importance Sometimes if a task feels difficult...
Add a co-signer. If a trusted friend or family member has better credit and stronger income than you, they may make a good co-signer. A lender considers both of your financial and credit profiles on a co-signed loan application. A co-signer can’t access loan...
We have to remember that no matter how much hardship we go through in our life, there is always going to be that fragile place in our heart. — Angie Martinez 5 Necessary, since every moment in our lives is marked by death, like a shadow from another realm, it appear to us like ...
The companionship of a pet can make a person feel less lonely and more connected to their home and community. Having a pet is like having a built-in best friend, and a pet will never let you down or judge you. Pets provide us with an opportunity to engage in everyday activities and ...