Myth 2: Grounding has no health benefits There isgrowing scientific evidenceshowing that earthing offers many health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving heart health, managing anxiety and depression, and treating sleep disorders. And the lack of direct contact with the earth leads to p...
What heals people in real life is the total opposite of what I learned about healing in medical school. We never learned about the concept of surrender as a healing modality in our medical education. In fact, what we learned about were ways to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT as if health was a battle...
Improve Your Health WHILE You Sleep with Sheets Designed for Grounding/Earthing. It's Important to Know that the BEST Grounding Sheets are...
Earthing is an intuitive-based type of healing that allows us to meditate and connect to nature at the same time. It is also known as ‘grounding’ and relies on the basis that connecting to the earth’s natural energy can help ease troubling ailments such as insomnia,inflammation, mood dis...
Walking barefoot on the sand, also known as “grounding” or “earthing,” offers several health benefits. The direct contact between the skin and the Earth’s surface allows the body to absorb free electrons, which have anti-inflammatory effects. Research suggests that grounding can help reduce...
Grounding Techniques People claim that ice baths have numerous benefits, including reducing pain and inflammation, relieving sore muscles and improving focus. But do they actually work? Vanessa Caceres Dec. 13, 2024 Do Ice Baths Work for Recovery? In our new column, "Ask the Health Coach," U...
Grounding has so many benefits. To name a few, it improves your immune response by increasing white blood cell counts, decreases inflammation, reduces cortisol output, is good for your heart health and helps you sleep.4How does this work? Well, when we come into direct contact with the gro...
The Cycle of Stress – what it means and how to ‘work with it’ for optimal health Focus on being present and grounded with clients The joy of creating ‘flow’ in our working life Practical techniques for grounding and ‘letting go’ of clients – exercise A look at when the stressor ...
*Also keep your NAILS SHORT so that the virus does not hide below them. What to do about all the fear and panic? Right now we are being shaken thoroughly but there’s a gift in this, a huge opportunity for us to free up our energy and potential to shift from the past to the futu...
One strategy that may be beneficial for grounding oneself is mindfulness. Understanding mindfulness and how to practice it can help you start a self-care routine unique to your schedule and needs. Getty/Inside Creative House Looking to become more present and engaged?