所以我的意思是,宗教艺术远不止古老的教堂和婴儿时期的耶稣的画。Hi, I'm Sarah Urest-Green, and this is Crash Course Art History.大家好,我是萨拉·尤雷斯特·格林,欢迎来到 Crash Course 艺术史。You might think that religious art is made for a few simple reasons — to honor a deity, procl...
even when I don’t feel like singing or praising God, He can give me back that joy. When sadness threatens to overtake me, I can still go out in joy and be led forth in peace, giving thanks in all circumstances; he does replace my sadness...
How does a 24-7 Prayer Room play a role in mission work? We’ve been so inspired by some of the stories of prayer and mission from our friends at Altitude Mission – we had to share them! 7 February 2025 4 Min Read Stories Explore 25 Years of God Surprising Us With photos ...
Experts say the cause of the military conflict can be tied to a complicated history, Russia’s tensions with NATO and the ambitions of Vladimir Putin. Elliott Davis Jr.Feb. 20, 2025 Ukraine Opposition Leader Poroshenko Seeks Softer Diplomacy to Achieve Peace ...
Christianity / Life / Christian Life / What Is Obedience? What Does it Mean to Obey God?How Do We Share and Defend the Gospel with Relevance for Today with Dr. Sean McDowellWe are bringing on one of the foremost leading Christian apologists in the world to help educate, equip, and ...
wash my sins away Like all good children I mean what I say I guess God has the last laugh From up on high he lets us kill And his people die for their faith And we call it triumph of the will All the theories in my own head Fragment and bump into themselves I'll run instead of...
《Peace with God》13:1 How to Be Sure by Billy Graham These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. {1 John 5:13}...
Sometimes God’s greatest acts of love come insaying no to our requests, because He wants to give us much, much more than answers to third grade questions. He wants to grow us up to be like His Son—and the Father will never stop this relentless pursuit in our lives. ...
We see from God’s attention to these women’s request that there is nothing so small or big that God does not care about if it is something that concerns us. He cares not just for the nation of Israel as a whole, but also for each and every individual within His Kingdom:“He will...
Part of the uniqueness of the human experience is the wide range of emotions that God enabled us to feel. When there are small delights, we have pleasant responses. In great moments, we rejoice. When something goes wrong, we feel disappointment, but when