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A mortal sin is not simply some evil action, an action which is truly evil, but it is one that has to be done with the deepest understanding of God’s relationship to the doer’s situation. The doer has to understand who God is, his ultimate and eternal love, and the doer has to ...
In that case, it is noteworthy that Dickinson does not describe God as perfect far from it. “He fumbles at your Soul/As Players at the Keys” (1-2) are the first two lines of the poem. Here, using simile, God is described as a piano player, not playing masterfully but merely ...
I think it's bullshit.there is no God,no sin ,and we are never sinners,we are just humans ...
“in the image of God” in the most literal sense when trying to describe God’s appearance. Because God is a spirit, there must be a spiritual dimension. However, we understand this concept, the fact that God the Father is spirit does have implications for what it means to be God’s...
The same Greek word is used to describe the boils that God brought on the Egyptians, those with which Satan tormented Job, and those that covered the body of the beggar Lazarus. John MacArthur says they will be open, oozing, incurable sores. ...
One of the most outstanding topics in this German Gay Dictionary is that of warmth with the word warm, and it does so for two reasons, the first, for a large number of words and expressions it has generated, and the second, because its relationship with effeminate men and with those who...
These chapters remind us of the seriousness of sin and God’s call for personal integrity and faithfulness. Let’s delve into these passages and discover what they mean for us today. Word of the Day: Detestable The word “detestable” is used to describe actions and attitudes deserving ...
To say, however, that God does not have wrath is to fail to read the whole of the Bible. Wrath, as Karl Barth would say, is the negative side of God’s love. If there is no wrath on the ideologies and actions that would destroy human life, could one even say that God is love?
In A Simple Way to Pray, Martin Luther suggests that Christians pray through the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer, using each line as a springboard for adoring God, confessing sin, expressing gratitude and pouring forth supplications. Using such tools helps keep ...