The reproductive cycle is regulated by a system known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Thehypothalamussecretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which stimulates thepituitary glandto release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) andluteinizing hormone(LH). The hormones FSH and LH stimulateovul...
In the first stage of puberty (which often occurs sometime between the ages of 8 and 11), the only signs of puberty are occurring inside the body, as ovaries react to hormones such as LH and FSH and begin developing estrogen-producing capabilities. The second stage of puberty generally take...
How does an oophorectomy affect the levels of estragon, progesterone, LH, FSH, and GnRH in a 25 year old female? Describe the effects of thyroid hormone. What are the organs that secrete testosterone? Which of the following hormones causes regression of the male internal genitalia during devel...
How does ADH increase the concentration of urine? What is the impact of blood pressure on kidney function? How does aldosterone regulate water and sodium retention in the kidneys? Can high blood pressure damage the kidney? Explain. How does aldosterone work in regulating blood pressure? Exp...
FSH, when it reaches the testes, spurs the growth of seminiferous tubules, which are the channels in the testes in which sperm is produced. Once these tubules are formed and the infrastructure is in place, the body begins producing sperm. LH, on the other hand, has a different function....
How does it work? A menstrual cycle can range from 21 to 35 days, but the average cycle is 28 days. That means you have about six days each month when you can get pregnant. That includes the day that one of your ovaries releases an egg (ovulation) and the five days before. Having...
Is How to reduce fsh levels in men your major concern? Solve your problem quick & easy with online consultation. Get your query answered 24*7 with Expert Advice and Tips from doctors for How to reduce fsh levels in men | Practo Consult
During the beginning of this phase, your pituitary gland releases follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This stimulates multiple ovarian follicles to begin maturing. As the levels of FSH begin to drop, usually only one follicle continues to mature. This follicle releases estrogen, and estrogen levels...
How does Clomid Work? This is Nice post here with full details and descriptions on how to get the clomid in proper way to get maximum benefits out of it. !!
CBD, orcannabidiol, is one of the active ingredients found in cannabis plants. CBD does not have mind-altering properties. Clinical trials have shown that it can be effective in treating some forms of epilepsy and other medical conditions. CBD is commonly sold in capsule form or dissolved in ...