Matthew talked about Jesus’ instructions for “When you fast,” something broke loose inside me. I began to see that I was not just in a rut spiritually, but that I was allowing myself to stay there by my unwillingness to do the hard things. I seemed to want to rest on the notion...
Spiritual retreats, whether at home or at a retreat center, are a great way to recharge. They can help you realize that the way you normally live is not necessarily the way you have to live. However, in order to really bring more awareness into your daily life, you will find that you...
The main difference between fasting and the breatharian approach to food is that fasting has an end point. Breatharianism is a total fast for life — that is, however long you live. Jasmuheen claims she's lived for years without nourishment, although she does eat occasionally for taste every ...
Not only does this leave you feeling better overall, it also reduces one’s heart rate, and can even go a long way in physically calming you down. This is why many health experts recommend keeping an indoor plant, as the simple presence of it can help calm one down. Something that...
If it does not direct you to doing like Jesus, then that is a thought you need to get rid of and focus on one that Jesus did and would think, and then do it. Jesus said it this way: Matt 12:36“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give...
By the time she contacted us, she was already very sorry for disobeying the Lord on His command from His Word that He does not want any of us to be fornicating outside the bounds of marriage. She had already received the conviction of the Holy Spirit on this issue, and she had fully...
When the enemy does come, and he will come at each one of us from time to time, you can either choose to run and hide hoping that you will somehow survive the attack and make it out in one piece – or you can choose to learn how to spiritually defend yourself and engage with the...
The idea is that when you meditate you can open a “third eye” that connects you to a spiritual force. Many people meditate with the goal of opening the third eye. By opening the third eye, you may find that you feel more spiritually connected to the universe. ...
It is also written that after fasting for 40 days and nights in the wilderness, Jesus was tempted by the devil and offered “all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour” which he turned down for the kingdom of heaven. He also said the kingdom of heaven is w...
What does their ordeal have to do with us? Two things. One, we know men and women and even children who are trapped as deep, emotionally or spiritually, as they were, which is to say, no way out unless God delivers them, and two, while rescue efforts began … slowly … above ground...