How does international relations affect people's daily life? How does criminal law affect society? How does animal testing violate animal rights? How has Roe v. Wade impacted society? Why are animal rights important to agriculture? How did Gandhi first become active in human rights?
How does Tanzania protect human rights? How are economic rights secured? How does the European Union enforce environmental protections? How did environmental determinism impact culture? Considering the number of people in the world that live in poverty, how does this affect human rights movements?
How does geographical environment affect residents' perception of social justice: An empirical study from low-income communities in Beijing 2025, Cities Show abstract Unveiling age-friendliness in smart cities: A heterogeneity analysis perspective based on the IAHP-CRITIC-IFCE approach 2024, Habitat Inter...
“To me, global citizenship means recognizing that we are all interconnected, and that our choices—whether social, environmental, or economic—affect people around the world. I first became aware of this through my family’s international background; my mother grew up in South Africa, and my ...
How does youth participatory eco-justice action research (YPEAR) affect the development of environmental literacy in urban high school students?The field of environmental education (EE) has the aim of producing an environmentally literate citizenry that is not only aware of environmental problems, but...
Thiermann UB, Sheate WR (2022) How does mindfulness affect pro-environmental behaviors? A qualitative analysis of the mechanisms of change in a sample of active practitioners. Mindfulness 13:2997–3016 Google Scholar Tsing AL (2015) The mushroom at the end of the world: on the possibility of...
regardless of their socioeconomic differences, are prime examples of social and environmental justice in urban areas. The citizens' perception of social and environmental justice can influence their satisfaction with urban forests and this satisfaction can, in turn, affect their intention to participate ...
The Chinese government facilitates the establishment of a welfare security system predicated on family responsibilities, thereby enhancing social welfare among rural migrants by focusing on the family unit. Recognizing the significant barriers to accessing urban welfare that affect rural members of migrant ...
Accordingly, this study focuses on the following three questions: (1) Does climate justice really exist? In other words, could countries with higher climate vulnerability receive more mitigation funds or adaptation funds? (2) How can government quality and low-carbon technologies moderate the impact...
What role does disturbance play in ecology? Give examples. Explain why contact with the environment is both a favorable and risky prospect for plants. Identify and explain two logical challenges inherent to this statement: "The key to addressing emerging env...