While the US lacked inside options to prevent undesired outcomes within the Paris Agreement, it commandedoutside options to evadethem. The accord does not exert negative effects on the US after its withdrawal. As the fight against global warming is a public good, cooperation even has positive ex...
The cost associated with the development of uranium was so significant because of the technologies of the 1940s. Enriching uranium was difficult and costly, with some researchers at the time estimating that it would take27,000 yearsto produce a single gram of the correct type of uranium necessar...
Anti-Drone Weapons That Terrify America’s Enemies A Chronological History of American Tanks Russia Says It Just Fired a New Hypersonic Weapon In a First, India Launches a Hypersonic Missile Could AI Enable Would-Be Bioterrorists? America Built the Most Deadly Missile on the Seas...
NORM ROULE: In essence, Iran didn't just have a program to produce electricity. They were building enriching uranium. They were using plutonium in a fashion to build nuclear warheads, which they would likely attach to their intermediate range ballistic missiles, which would allow them...
Experts predict that the number ofconnected devicesworldwide will reach a whopping 46 billion by 2021 — all equipped with sensors that communicate back to networks, databases and communications systems. These connected devices span a wide range, from smart toasters to centrifuges enrich...