For nearly 50 years academics have been studying how labor markets affect crime. The initial interesting and important theoretical and empirical work generated substantial interest in studying crime among economists, in particular, and scholars in the social sciences more broadly. This literature, which...
How Do Labor Markets Affect Crime? New Evidence on an Old Puzzledoi:10.2139/ssrn.1584187wagesunemploymentlabor marketscrimeFor nearly 50 years academics have been studying how labor markets affect crime. The initial interesting and important theoretical and empirical work generatedSocial Science Electronic...
How Do Crime Rates Affect Property Prices?CRIME statisticsOFFENSES against the personOFFENSES against propertyCRIMECENTRAL business districtsdoi:10.1111/1475-4932.12455Cigdem‐Bayram, MelekPrentice, DavidJohn Wiley and SonsEconomic Record
How does education play a role in everyone's lives? How does curriculum change affect teachers? How has the war on drugs affected incarceration rates? How does alcoholism affect the family structure? How does the war on drugs affect the economy? How does crime affect child development? How ...
We used these results to create crime scenarios for Experiments 2 and 3 that unconfounded crime stereotypicality and crime violence. We then examined the effects of stereotypic crimes with black or white defendants on mock jurors' memories and decisions. Memory biases were found in line with the...
How does capital punishment affect society? How does social disorganization contribute to organized crime? How does terrorism impact the modern world? How does culture affect computer science education? How does culture affect human trafficking? How is technology used in criminal justice? How does the...
Immigration and crime: evidence from victimization data Article 04 March 2015 Does economic inequality breed murder? An empirical investigation of the relationship between economic inequality and homicide rates in Canadian provinces and CMAs Article 20 August 2021 Data availability The data that supp...
Mustard, David, ``How Do Labor Markets Affect Crime? New Evidence on an Old Puzzle,'' in Bruce L. Benson and Paul R. Zimmerman, eds., Handbook on the Economics of Crime (Northampton, MA: Elgar, 2010).Mustard D. B. (2010), "How Do Labor Markets Affect Crime? New Evidence on an...
However, there are positive externalities beyond the one person being educated. These could be a more intelligent and knowledgeable citizenry, increased taxrevenuesfrom better-paying jobs, less crime, and more social stability. All of these factors positively correlate with education levels. Th...
Education Children with lower socioeconomic status tend to enter school with lower levels of reading and linguistic development, as well as lower social skills. In later years, these deficiencies may manifest themselves in lower levels of academic success and, ultimately, in lower incomes when they...