Why does diabetic neuropathy affect the feet first? How does diabetes cause neuropathy? What parts of the body does diabetic neuropathy affect? How does diabetes affect the peripheral nervous system? What determines if diabetic neuropathy is autonomic?
Health Answers: How does diabetes affect the nerves?Humphries, Courtney
How does diabetes affect the skeletal system?Effects of Diabetes:Diabetes can have numerous short and long-term health effects, especially if blood sugar levels are not well managed. People with diabetes have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, neuropathy and many other illnesses....
We know diabetes affects your blood sugar, kidneys, other organs, and overall health, but how does it affect your mouth? If your blood sugar is uncontrolled, oral health problems become more likely. Uncontrolled blood sugar impairs your white blood cells, which are the body's main defense aga...
After a heart attack, the heart muscle does not heal as well as in people who do not have diabetes. Also, the risk of complications, such as developing heart failure, is significantly higher. Due to nerve damage caused by diabetes, patients may not feel thechest painor other types of che...
This Diabetes Awareness Week, learn how this disease can impact your eye health and the importance of regular eye exams.
Type 1 Diabetes More Hide Video Transcript Video Transcript Narrator How does my diet affect my diabetes? C. Ronald Kahn, M.D. President and Director, Joslin Diabetes Center Diet is a very important thing but I think people are focused sometimes about the wrong things in diet. The emphasis ...
Type 2 diabetes.Chronic inflammation plays a role in diabetes. It increases the level of insulin-like growth factor (IGF), a hormone linked with insulin resistance (when your body stops responding to the hormone that helps it turn glucose into energy), and diabetes. One study found that those...
Pregabalin also affects chemicals in the brain that send pain signals across the nervous system.Lyrica is used to treat pain caused by fibromyalgia, or nerve pain in people with diabetes (diabetic neuropathy), herpes zoster (post-herpetic neuralgia), or spinal cord injury....
Lower risk ofdiabetes Get my favorite Mediterranean cookbookhere. Tip #4: Eat Enough Healthy Fats Healthy fats are your allies in lowering triglycerides and the risk of heart disease! Aim to get healthy,unsaturatedfats in your diet. Sources include: ...