Atransistorworks by controlling the flow of current through a semiconductor material. The current is controlled by the voltage applied to the transistor’s base.Transistorscan be used as switches or amplifiers. When used as a switch, the transistor can be turned on or off, depending on the vol...
Current does not flow. Electric current never flows, since an electric current is not a stuff. Electric current is a flow of something else. (Ask yourself this: what's the stuff that flows in a river, is it called "current?" Or is it called "water?") Since a current is a flow ...
This resistor should be dimensioned according to the ‘collector’ load ( an LED in this case ), for a correct operation of the circuit, ( the formula can be obtained from one of my previous articles,’…safe current through LEDs…’). If a PNP transistor is used for the above experimen...
a transistor transforms a small inputcurrentinto a bigger output current. As a switch, it can be in one of two distinct states -- on or off -- to control the flow of electronic signals through an electrical circuit or electronic device. ...
As a switch (the real key to the majority of applications), a transistor can use a small electric current in one part of the transistor to switch on flow of a larger electrical current in another part of the transistor. This on-off capability is what lead to computer technology as an "...
A transistor can be considered as two P-N junctions placed back to back. One of these, namely the base emitter junction is forward biased, whilst the other, the base collector junction is reverse biased. It is found that when a current is made to flow in the base em...
The changing thickness of the insulating depletion layer switches the transistor on and off. And sincebase voltageis what changes the thickness, we can ignore the current in the base wire. But wait a minute,whichflow of charge is being switched on and off? Ah, we have another entire circuit...
Resistance is also useful in things like transistor radios and TV sets. Suppose you want to lower the volume on your TV. You turn the volume knob and the sound gets quieter—but how does that happen? The volume knob is actually part of an electronic component called a variable resistor. ...
A transistor is a kind of semiconductor device that controls current. Its function is to amplify the weak signal into an electrical signal with a larg...
Here’s everything You Need to Know About Schottky Diodes. Learn how Schottky diodes work in RF circuits, generators, and motor drivers with their low forward voltage drops and fast switching speeds. Like other diodes, the Schottky diode controls the direction of current flow in a circuit. The...