How does cultural materialism affect us? How does culture affect diet? How does language affect culture? How does modernization affect culture? How does globalization affect culture? How does culture affect architecture? How does culture affect decision-making?
broadly labeled “cultural evolution”. Briefly put, cultural evolution researchers study the stability, change, and diffusion of cultural traits on an aggregate population-level as a function of both the content of the traits as well as the socio-personal dynamics surrounding cultural traits ...
How do trade barriers affect the African economy today? How does economics shed more light on why environmental degradation occurs? According to the classical theory, what three factors lead to long-term economic growth? Why is a trade d...
Second, Watts believes that even when social influence does exist, it doesn’t spread in the same way that infectious diseases do, adding, “it may not even spread at all”. In a study of online diffusion, Watts and his colleaguesfoundthat “over several different domains—including every vi...
there is a notable lack of research employing discourse analysis to investigate this phenomenon. Analyzing the discourse of influencers, who play a crucial role in shaping cultural diffusion, is essential to gain a deeper insight into the mechanisms underlying this process. However, existing literature...
A consensual long-term strategy appears to make a crucial difference, as does the fact that exporting changes the dynamic from local competition to local cooperation for global competition. Such elements are lacking in all of the cases we examined that were faltering, from Algeria to Baja ...
How Does Inequality Affect the Residents’ Subjective Well-Being: Inequality of Opportunity and Inequality of Effort. Front. Psychol. 2022, 13, 843854. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Al-Rahmi, W.M.; Yahaya, N.; Aldraiweesh, A.A.; Alamri, M.M.; Aljarboa, N.A.; Alturki,...
Cultural neuroscience of the self: Understanding the social grounding of the brain. Soc. Cogn. Affect. Neurosci. 2010, 5, 111–129. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] LeFebvre, R.; Franke, V. Culture matters: Individualism vs. collectivism in conflict decision-making. Societies 2013, 3, 128–146...
different, influencer "sponsor me" videos, we won't need wet wipes in the near future, Troye Savant's Rushgate, performative egg-slonking, fitness grifters, Arnold invented cigars, the strike is starting to affect us, and we're going to catch up to AI before AI catches up with us. ...
Almost every interviewee told us that every structural change leads to mass unemployment, to social upheaval. In other words, the phase-out really does have consequences for people's personal lives. Most interviewed persons in Lusatia do not want that anymore and they do not trust the government...