B.Toletthepublicknowaboutcoralreefsbetter.C.Tohelppeopleenjoytheocean'sbeauty.D.Toencouragepeopletoprotecttheocean.(2)Whatdoestheunderlinedword"shift"inParagraph3probablymean? ___A.change.B.experience.C.material.D.scene.(3)Whatcanpeopleknowthroughtheimmersivedive? ___A.Thestoryabouttheocean.B....
How does coral survive in the Great Barrier Reef? How does deforestation on land affect coral reefs underwater? How does ocean warming affect coral reefs? Why are sea urchins important to coral reefs? Why are coral reefs important to the Caribbean?
What are the stages of the coral life cycle, both sexual and asexual? How does the shrimp use bioluminescence to avoid predators? How does one tell a plant from algae? Which biome does the phytoplankton live in? Describe two ways that red sea urchins have adapted to survive in their enviro...
Mr. Green studies coral reefs (珊瑚) in the Pacific Ocean. A coral reef is like a big underwater t___ (79). Thousands of animals and plants live there. They compete for food and space there. As a result, the beautiful coral reefs get i___ (80) easily. Mr. Gr...
Diving in the ocean, marine (海洋的) biologist Erika Woolsey has seen how coral reefs (珊瑚礁) are being damaged by climate change. It has made her decide to find a way to share her experience — including those who can’t easily explore the ocean. Through her non-profit, The Hydrous,...
chance (i.e. tofind a suitable habitat), one of the greatest challenges facing the fish larvae is how to locate therelatively rare patches of coral reef habitat on which they settle and ultimately reside as adults.The answer must lie partly in the sensory modalities of fishes at settlement....
(2010) How US ocean policy and market power can reform the coral reef wildlife trade . Marine Policy 34 : 1385–1388Tissot, B.N., Best, B.A., Borneman, E.H. et al. (2010). How US ocean policy and market power can reform the coral reef wildlife trade. Marine Policy 34, 1385-...
Not too long ago, there was a man called Jacques Cousteau. He loved the beautiful colors, and the beautiful fish in the sea. However, when he returned some years later, the colorful coral reefs were dead and grey because the factory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jacques...
The food webs in the ocean often contain many more trophic levels than those found on land as in the ocean there are many different sizes of fish and other species that in turn prey upon successively smaller species. This means that for top-level predators, their diets potentially depend on...
How many fish live in the ocean twilight zone? An Eerie Place: The twilight zone of the oceans is an eerie place, where there is only a dim amount of light during the brightest times of the day. The official name for this zone, which spans 200 meters to 1,000 meters below the surfa...