As many as 3 out of 4 people withcancersay they're not as mentally sharp. It’s often caused by yourchemotherapymedicines, but it can also come from thecanceritself or other problems like infection, lowbloodcounts,fatigue, sleep problems, or stress. Symptoms Chemobraincan cause thinking and ...
constituent of the essential oil obtained from the medicinal plant Nigella sativa (commonly referred to as Black seeds in Arabic countries), has interesting anticancer, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities both in vivo and in vitro [14, 17, 18, 19] as well as chemo-preventive ...
Brain fog.Also known as “chemo brain,” this side effect is marked by confusion and problems with concentration and short-term memory. Mental fog can be caused by the chemo drug itself, which may affect cells in the brain that help with cognitive function, as well as the general stress o...
If you get chemo through a catheter, you also might need a device called a port. This is a small disc that a surgeon connects to the catheter and places under your skin. A nurse may insert a needle into your port to give you chemotherapy drugs or draw blood. The needle can be left...
There would be more blood in the penis Erection occurs once the pens are bigger and stiffer Various treatments for prostate cancer are available, and they might generally affect the blood vessels, muscles, and nerves that are important for erectile function. Some prostate cancer treatments may also...
1281O Atezolizumab (atezo) vs platinum-based chemo in blood-based tumour mutational burden-positive (bTMB+) patients (pts) with first-line (1L) advanced/metastatic (m)NSCLC: results of the blood first assay screening trial (BFAST) phase III cohort C. Ann Oncol. 2021;32:S950–1. 82. ...
We have analyzed stakeholders' statements of opinions to four government-initiated inquiries, to decipher the chemo-social relations between stakeholders and phosphorus, and how these relations have transformed over time and made a difference in the policy process. In our analysis, we found five ...
After completion of chemoimmunotherapy, she was clinically healthy and classified as having achieved a partial response (PR). Hb continued to improve and reached 13.8 g/L by 1 year posttherapy; markers of hemolysis were now completely normal, her monoclonal IgM had disappeared, no clonal LPD ...
Besides that, Chemo was horrific for me, and that whole year was a haze – on the very rare occasion I went out to meet my friends, I slapped on my wig, a ton of make up and a happy face for a few hours – so that is all they ever saw of my whole Chemo experience!...