It’s simple. Women have been told that breastfeeding is an unreliable form of birth control. But the truth is, breastfeeding as a form of contraception, isjust as effective as most other birth control methods,provided it is done correctly. Let’s go through how to make breastfeeding effec...
Get ready for some ch-ch-changes in your breasts when you stop breastfeeding. Kathleen Huggins, a registered nurse, international board-certified lactation consultant, and author ofThe Nursing Mother's Guide to WeaningtoldThe Huffington Postthat some women may initially find the weaning process easy...
“Perhaps just weeks after their baby is born, an exhausted (and perhaps prone to post-natal depression) mother does not need an extra pressure. For some women, breastfeeding can be excruciating, and the feed not a bonding time but a period when the baby that keeps you up all night and...
Similarly, it can mean a lot to a new mother to hear encouraging words from the baby's father or her partner or other loved ones when she is experiencing challenges. An important role for support people is to nurture ...
How does breast produce milk?LactationThe process of secretion of milk from a mother's mammary glands after giving birth to her child is known as lactation. A female is ready to produce milk in her sixth month of pregnancy. Later, the mammary gland produces the first milk, which is thick...
So, how does hydration benefit your body? Getting adequate fluids helps you: Avoid dehydration Curtail illness Prevent constipation Stay cool Avoid dehydration This one sounds obvious, yes. But dehydration can negatively affect so many bodily functions, including cardiovascular health, kidney function and...
Cross-nursing does cut out the problem of milk contamination during pumping, collection, and storage. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends wet nursing from a healthy wet nurse when a baby isn't able to have its mother's milk. But other risks of accepting breast milk fro...
You know, even on a sort of relatively minor example like that, you know, if you have a site which says, OK, it’s fine to show pictures of domestic abuse, but not a breastfeeding mother, you know, that should alert you to the fact that you are delegating decision-making on what’...
When does cheap not win? When it comes to social norms. Social norms are about relationships, community and loyalty. If your sister is getting married, you don't do a cost benefit analysis to decide whether or not you should go to her wedding or whether the food will be better and the...
What Is the Main Benefit of a High-Deductible Health Plan? If you are generally healthy and want to save for future health care expenses, the high-deductible plan gives you access to a tax-advantaged savings vehicle, the health savings account. The HSA can make sense for many people, espe...