As the external pressure on a liquid increases, its boiling point temperature: A. remains the same. B. decreases. C. increases. What effect does an increase in the heating rate have on the boiling temperature during a distillation? What are some ...
Boiling points increase as the number of carbons is increased.Branching decreases boiling point. What effect does branching of alkane have on boiling point? As branches increases, the surface area of molecule decreases resulting in a small area of contact. As a result, the Van der Waals force ...
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Economic growth is an increase in the production of economic goods and services in one period of time compared with a previous period. It can be measured in nominal or real terms. Traditionally, aggregate economic growth is measured in terms ofgross national product (GNP)orgross domestic product...
However, as molecular weight increases, boiling point also goes up. That’s because the surface over which these forces can operate has increased. Therefore, dispersion forces increase with increasing molecular weight.Individually, each interaction isn’t worth much, but if collectively, these forces...
Why does the boiling point decrease with a decrease in pressure? What happens to the boiling point when sugar is added to water? Explain. Explain very briefly why the boiling point of H2O is higher than that of H2. Explain why an increase in electrons results in an increase in boiling poi...
So what does change demand? The shape and position of the demand curve can be affected by several factors. Rising incomes tend to increase demand for normal economic goods, as people are willing to spend more. The availability of close substitute products that compete with a given economic good...
everything is a thing of life, life is not brought, death does not go. It's not worth doing that, only you know the best. For things to take it up and put it down, can take temporary setbacks. Looking for a best balance point to carry to scratch your heart, with the "lost" to...
How does this wrasse rise and sink? Chris Newbert/Getty Images Key Takeaways Fish rise and sink in water primarily using a swim bladder, which they inflate or deflate with oxygen to adjust their buoyancy. The swim bladder's volume changes allow the fish to displace different amounts of ...
To sum up the relationship between boiling point and pressure, the definition of boiling relates to the vapor pressure being equal to the external pressure, so it makes sense that an increase in external pressure will require an increase in vapor pressure, which is achieved by an increase in ...