强大、复杂的密码是用户群的最佳安全实践。特别是在对互联网开放的应用程序中,弱密码会将用户的凭据暴露给猜测密码并尝试访问您的数据的系统。密码越复杂,就越难猜出。Amazon Cognito 为注重安全的管理员提供了其他工具,例如高级安全功能和AWS WAF 网络 ACLs,但是您的密码策略是用户目录安全的核心要素。
aws cognito-idp sign-up --client-id<cognitocustomsmssenderclientappid>--username<TestUserPhoneNumber>--password<Password>--user-attributes Name="email",Value="<TestUserEmail>" Name="name",Value="<TestUserName>" Name="phone_number",Value="<TestPhoneNumber>" --region<AWS Region> Example: aws...
<![CDATA[ Amazon Cognito ]]> </category> <category> <![CDATA[ Amazon DynamoDB ]]> </category> <category> <![CDATA[ AWS Amplify ]]> </category> <category> <![CDATA[ AWS AppSync ]]> </category> <category> <![CDATA[ AWS CloudFormation ]]> ...
使用AWS Management Console 或 呼叫AdminCreateUser來建立新的使用者設定檔API。 設定使用者屬性值。 建立自訂屬性。 設定AdminCreateUserAPI請求中不可變自訂屬性的值。此功能無法在 Amazon Cognito 主控台中使用。 指定臨時密碼,或允許 Amazon Cognito 自動產生密碼。
Does anyone know how to use AWS Cognito handle user registration and sign in for a mobile app? I have been trying to find examples/tutorials online for a while now but can't seem to find anything that will fit what I am looking for....
AWS Config Event-driven, asynchronous. Cognito Event-driven, synchronous. Alexa Event-driven, synchronous. Lex Event-driven, synchronous. CloudFront (Lambda @ Edge) Event-driven, synchronous. DynamoDB Streams Lambda polling API Gateway Event-driven, synchronous. CloudWatch Logs Subscriptions Event-driven...
In this blog, you will learn how to configure an AWS API Gateway backed by an AWS Java Lambda. Next, you will learn how to secure the API by means of an AWS Cognito User Pool. Enjoy! 1. Introduction AWS API Gateway is a managed service which allows you t
Providers: AWS Cognito, Google Identity Platform, Microsoft Azure AD Passwordless Authentication with React – Speedrun To demonstrate how easy it is to introduce passwordless methods for your users, we’re going to take you through a 5 minute tutorial with a provider called Frontegg. A self-serv...
Summary Hi, I am trying to use gatsby-source-graphql with cognito (not api key). The build fails on ServerError: Response not successful: Received status code 401 since there is no valid jwt sent, as expected. Is there any way to prevent...
Does anyone know how to use AWS Cognito handle user registration and sign in for a mobile app? I have been trying to find examples/tutorials online for a while now but can't seem to find anything that will fit what I am looking for....